Get Perfect Abs Now


If you're tired of only seeing your upper abs, you're not alone. Get your lowers to pop faster with these targeted moves.

There is nothing more impressive than a beautifully defined arrangement of abdominal muscles. It’s amazing how simple anatomy is responsible for something as sought after as the elusive six-pack.
The rectus abdominus is a long flat band of muscle fibers running vertically from the fifth, sixth and seventh ribs down to the pubic bone. A long flat tendon called the linea alba divides the large muscle into left and right halves. It is the three horizontal grooves dividing the muscle into the much-coveted eight-pack that give the tummy a washboard appearance – if your nutrition and training allow. This large muscle is responsible for flexing the spinal column and bending the body. The external obliques are abdominal muscles located on either side of the rectus abdominis and the internal obliques run at right angles to these muscles. These muscles help us flex the rib cage and pelvic bones.

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