Summer Full-Body Workout Routine


Are you looking to perfect your beach body for the upcoming summer? If so, we have the right prescription just for you. It's a full-body workout routine that utilizes a combination of high intensity types of resistance training combined and cardio.

Weighted resistance training is the best way to burn excess fat and calories when compared to cardio alone. Research has proven this, however if you want to maximize time spent in the gym, we suggest you combine everything into a "high octane" workout that transitions between the weights and some type of cardio. The routine is simple and can be varied depending on what you have available at your local gym.
During your rest intervals, rather than slumping over the machine or sitting down on the bench, you will be moving around between jump rope, the stationary bike, or some other piece of cardio machine that you have available to you.
You will keep the weight on the lighter side, and execute more reps so that you do not over-train or fatigue your body to where you can't finish each set. You should incorporate a variety of techniques into your workout routine and superset smaller exercises that can be done with the H.I.T. principles but you don't train the WHOLE body in one workout setting for this routine. You will stick to 1 or 2 muscle groups and train them in accordance with a planned resistance training schedule as follows.

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