Top 5 Exercise Excuses


Trade in those excuses for workouts that will leave you feeling strong, energized and ready for more.

Feeling too tired? Swamped with other commitments? That won’t work on us. Here’s how to get past even the most stubborn (and creative!) fitness red lights and continue on your way to a healthy lifestyle. It’s your top five exercise excuses, BUSTED!
1. “I’m too tired.” Prepare for your workouts by getting seven to eight hours of sleep the night before and properly fuelling your body with lots of water (throughout the day, as well as during and after your training session) and clean eating. Make it easier on yourself by following your internal body clock. Do you get a burst of energy first thing in the morning? Schedule your workouts soon after waking up. Can’t drag yourself out from under those covers? Plan for an evening session instead. \
2. “I don’t have enough time.” Schedule your workouts at the beginning of the week and follow through as if you were making a doctor’s appointment. Even if you can’t fit a full-body workout between grocery shopping and work, penciling in a couple of short, intense exercise sessions is better than nothing at all. Got 10 minutes before that meeting? That’s ample time to work on your new body.

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