Ways to Fight Food Cravings


Don't let emotional eating sabotage your fat-loss goals. Here are five easy-to-follow tips to stop your cravings.\

1. Be hungry no more. Not eating regularly throughout the day will cause your body to fall into starvation mode and you’ll crave carbs – usually nutrient-void refined carbs, such as white pasta and bread – so nip that craving in the bud before it strikes by not letting yourself go hungry. Try this: It’s the Oxygen lifestyle mantra: Eat five to six small meals of protein and complex carbs every two to three hours. This will keep you satisfied so when a craving does arise (and that double-layer chocolate cake in the bakery window is calling your name) you’ll know that it’s all in your head because your body is fully fueled.
2. Know your triggers. Stressed? Bored? Sad? If you’re eating clean all day but then get hit with unexpected stress or emotion, those cravings could come creeping. If you find this is happening regularly, it’s time to jot that information down in your food journal or planner. Try this: Knowing your triggers will arm you with the best defense – carry clean snacks or see the next item on our list for another good way to ward off mindless snacking.
3. Watch your sat fats. Going out for a round of food high in saturated fats (think pizza and chicken wings) can actually leave you wanting more for up to three days after your food fest, according to a study from UT Southwestern Medical Center. Researchers say the fatty food hits your brain with fatty acids and prevents the hunger-regulating hormones – leptin and insulin – from signaling you to stop chowing down. Try this: The good news is that the same study points out that healthy unsaturated fats, such as olive oil, don’t have the same waistline-damaging effects, which leaves your options wide open for a whole-wheat crust pizza with fresh veg

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