National Fitness Day


It might almost be the weekend, but what better day to get your workout on than National Fitness Day?

All across the country today, people are lacing up their trainers and donning their most stylish workout outfits in celebration of National Fitness Day. Are you one of them?
Loads of health clubs, leisure centres and gyms around the UK have gotten involved by offering free classes and entry. So what better day to get active? If you're already a bit of a gym junkie, why not seize the day by taking the opportunity to broaden your horizons and try a different kind of workout? And if you're new to exercise, this is the perfect time to give something a go. You never know, you might discover a new passion!
If that wasn't celebratory enough for you, then you might be interested in the mass participation events taking place in London, Birmingham and Bristol. Getting fit is always more fun in numbers, right?

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