Lower your body fat percentage: 10 easy steps
00:44MF's ten easy steps to shedding fat and lowering your body fat percentage
Any advice that you read on how to get a six-pack will tell you that one of if not the most important aspects of revealing your abs is to lower your body fat percentage, shedding the fat off of your stomach to reveal the hidden holy grail underneath. Dropping body fat percentages is easier said than done however, requiring discipline, knowledge and will power in abundance, but this is not to say it’s impossible, far from it actually. We’ve broken down the process of lowering your body fat percentage into ten easy steps, helping you to reach your goals without being overwhelmed by all the possible avenues that you could take to shed that excess weight.
1. Overhaul that diet. Start adding more foods with a lower energy density. Think vegetables, fish and lean meats. Take anything that falls into the ‘junk food’ category and only consume these foods on a designated cheat day if you have to.
2. Try to drink a full glass of water with all of your meals, this will keep the body hydrated and keep you feeling slightly fuller. Your body needs to be well hydrated in order to burn fat at the necessary rate. Water should be your go-to drink. Skip any high-calorie beverages that have no nutritional value, specifically flavoured lattes and carbonated drinks.
3. Don’t let your guard down in a restaurant. Always scan the menu carefully in order to make the healthy choices. It’s easy to let slip when you order something that you are unsure about. Stick with foods that are steamed, baked, boiled or broiled over meals that are fried, braised or creamed.
4. Try to dedicate three days a week to high-intensity cardiovascular training. This can be applied to any form of cardio that you choose it doesn’t always have to be running. Try to vary it up as much as you can, try, spinning, skipping ropes, rowing or swimming. Start each workout with a light five-minute warm-up, then alternate back and forth from high to low intensity.
5. Keep eating. Snack on smaller meals that are spaced two to three hours apart. Balance each one of them out with carbohydrates and protein and start your eating as soon as you wake up. Skipping meals is actually counter-productive when trying to lose body fat, so eat healthy and eat often.
Find out how to turn your newly flat stomach into a washboard six-pack.
6. Don’t neglect the weight room. It might not seem like hitting the weights is a viable use of your body fat burning time but it certainly is. By adding 1.5kg worth of muscle to your body you have the potential to burn 1,050 extra calories a week, according to a study by the University of Michigan. Do multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench presses; these will work more than one muscle group at a time prompting quicker gains.
7. Get a taste for spicier food. As is turns out capsaicin, the compound that gives chilli peppers that unique heat, can also help to fire up your metabolism. Eating just one tablespoon of chopped peppers can boost your body’s sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for your fight or flight response according to a study in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. This can result in a temporary metabolism spike of around 23%.
8. Drink milk. There is some evidence that calcium deficiency could slow metabolism. Research has shown that consuming calcium through dairy foods like low fat yoghurt or –fat-free-cheese could also contribute to reducing fat absorption from other food sources.
9. Increase your vitamin D levels. This doesn’t include sitting in the sun for hours on end. Vitamin D absorbed from food is essential for the preservation of muscle tissue. You can get 90% of your recommended daily intake from a 100g piece of salmon. So eat plenty of fish, eggs, milk and cereals to get your intake up. And sit in the sun if you like, it can’t hurt…
10. Get your fibre on. Research has shown that some fibre can fire up your fat burning by as much as 30%. These studies have found that those who are consuming the most amount of fibre are gaining less weight over a period of time. It’s best to aim for around 25g per day.
The 27 foods that you should be eating if you want to lower your body fat percentage and get a six-pack.
body workout,
health tips
Max Snow
I'm Max Snow - I'm passionate at Beauty, Travel, Fashion. This blog is a place where I want to share all the things I love to you!