Chris Pratt workout tips


Get in superhero shape with advice from celebrity trainer Duffy Gaver, who helped Chris Pratt transform his body for Guardians Of The Galaxy

How long did you spend training Pratt?
We worked together for six months before he began shooting Guardians Of The Galaxy.
What did his workout regime look like?
He’d lift weights four or five times a week for an hour at a time. For the first few months it was mainly traditional bodybuilding sessions to add size, targeting specific muscle groups on separate days (the actual splits changed from month to month). Towards the end we started mixing things up and adding in circuit training and P90X workouts to help get him lean.
Did he do anything else outside of the gym?
Yeah, he was really active. He did a lot of mountain biking, running, swimming and kickboxing. Adding these kinds of sports helped to keep things varied and enjoyable.
What was the secret to his success?
Hard work, dedication and making the right choices, which is all you can ask for as a trainer. If I could do the training for my clients I would, but I can’t. The discipline and drive has to come from them, and Pratt was excellent in this regard.

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