Fastest Way To Build Muscle


Fastest Way To Build Muscle.If your new to bodybuilding and are looking for the fastest way to build muscle, then this may be the most important article you've ever read. It doesn't matter if your completely new to working out, or have been busting your butt in the gym for years with little to show for it. The fact is, if your not getting the results you want than there are some crucial steps you need to be following. Muscle Exercises

In this article, I'm going to break down the 5 essential steps you absolutely must take in order to pack on some serious mass.

1.) Calories. Chances are if your working out and not gaining muscle your not eating enough. Depending on your current weight you'll want to be consuming at least 3,500 calories a day to even gain a single pound a week. Start counting calories and plan your meals out a day ahead of time in order to ensure your eating enough.Best Muscle Building Exercises For Women

2.) Protein. The typical rule of thumb is you should be consuming at least 1 gram of protein for every pound you weigh. For example, if you're 155 pounds you'll need to consume at least 155 grams of protein every day. Protein is essential for building muscle and if your not getting enough of it your literally working out for nothing.

Fastest Way To Build Muscle

3.) Recovery. When it comes to building muscle, working out too much can be just as bad as not working out enough. After all, muscles grow while your sleeping and not at the gym. If you're a beginner, or have an ectomorph body type (skinny guy genes), you'll need more time to recover than a pro bodybuilder. I recommend only working out 3 times a week with a day of rest in between workouts.

4.) Rest Time. How long are your breaks in between sets? If you're trying to gain mass, your ideal rest time should be 1 minute to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Less than that and you'll be tiring your muscles out too quickly which will prevent you from lifting heavier weight.

5.) Powerlifting. If your not incorporating bench presses,squats,and dead lifts into your workout than your missing out on some serious gains. These 3 exercises are critical for anyone looking to get bigger.

There you have it. You've just learned the fastest way to build muscle. If you make these necessary changes in your diet and workout routine it's almost impossible for you not to see an improvement in your physique.Source

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