Perfect Workout Nutrition


The ultimate guide to timing nutrients around your workouts for maximum muscle-building and fat loss.

As a red-blooded, iron-loving athlete, you are in a constant cycle of breaking down and rebuilding muscle. When you lift weights, you break down muscle tissue but you don’t grow in the gym. You need muscle protein synthesis to happen in order to repair and ultimately grow new muscle. If you end up breaking down more than you can build back, you won’t end up with a lot of muscle mass on your frame. In order to maximize protein synthesis and minimize breakdown, you need hard yet strategic training, and perhaps more importantly, a nutrition protocol – one based on proper timing with relation to your workouts. And while you should slightly cut calories when you are trying to lose fat, you shouldn’t cut carbs out. The goal is always to build muscle and that requires hard, carb-fueled workouts. Consuming the proper nutrients before, during, and after training can dramatically affect your physique and strength results.

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